Gas Prices & Tax with 0xLeverage
When opening trades with 0xLeverage, the associated costs due to gas prices and token tax are covered by the user. An additional 0.05 ETH will be added to the leverage wallet to cover these costs, and what is left over will be stored in the users dedicated leverage wallet to lower the amount of additional ETH needed for the users next trade. This is only applicable to trades being made on the Ethereum main-net due to its high gas costs, and will be substantially less on any other blockchain 0xLeverage incorporates into its ecosystem. Here you will find some key information as to how the can affect your 0xLeverage experience, and how to maximize benefits and mitigate losses due to gas costs. (Above information pertains to ETH main net only, as our integration with alternative blockchains significantly reduce gas fee's. Gas costs taken by 0xLeverage on alternative blockchains can be decreased by as much as 10x and result in cheaper transactions.)
Last updated